The Grange Practice

The Montefiore Medical Centre, Dumpton Park Drive, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 8AD

Can Social Prescribing help you or your loved ones?

Social Prescribing is a way for patients with social, emotional or practical needs to be referred to a wider range of non-clinical and local services to support them and their families to address these issues and other unmet needs. Recognising that your health is often determined by a range of social, economic and environmental factors – social prescribing helps to address patient’s needs in a holistic way to support them to take greater control over their own health and lives.

Many things that affect our health can’t be treated by doctors or medicine alone. Such as loneliness, debt or stress due to financial pressures or poor housing.

Working with a social prescriber can:

  • Help someone who is isolated join a social group.
  • Connect someone struggling with financial stress to a service that helps with managing debt or claiming benefits.
  • Supporting patients and their families/carers to access relevant services and provide emotional and practical support.

Social Prescribing can help change the circumstances that can make people unwell. It can empower patients to manage existing health problems, to get the right benefits or back into employment. It can help people connect and to grow in confidence.

SOCIAL PRESCRIBING IS…….helping people live the best lives they can

Social prescribing can:

play a crucial role in improving health and wellbeing

help people feel heard, valued and understood

create thriving communities

support people who are most at risk of poor health

help people get the most relevant and effective support available

Please ask your GP or Nurse for a referral, or contact Melanie directly on 01843 572758.

Are you stressed, lonely, worried about money, isolated, vulnerable, in a caring role……. Then Melanie may be able to help

What kind of help is available?

  • Support for carers
  • Care help
  • Housing Support
  • Money Advice
  • Social Activities and groups
  • Dementia Support
  • Practical and Emotional support

And much more.